Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Government Filled with Talk of Economy: What Good is it Doing?

For the past three months since democrats took control of both sides of the Pennsylvania Avenue, a lot of talk has passed through halls of the White House and the Capitol about the effects of the economy and different solutions to the issue. 

But where has that gotten the country as of today? The United States Government has been debating, writing legislation and talking to the American people about what America needs to do and what we can do, but no real progress has been made.

Partisanship has delayed the process of fixing the economy, with bills being given the cold shoulder by Republicans, and democrats being given a hard time for about their policies on congressional floors and on White House lawns. The United States Government is totally responsible for providing a proper economic situation for it's people, and it is time for politicians nation-wide to get ready to cooperate and get our country stable now.

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